Member of the Board
Partner at Motieka & Audzevicius
Professional Law Partnership
Master of Law
Board member since 2008
With Vertas Management since 2008

Ramunas Audzevicius
2011 School of Advanced Study, U. of London, MA in Taxation
2009 Harvard Business School, Program for Leadership Development
2008 King‘s College London, U. of London, MA in EU Law
2002 International Business School at Vilnius University, Diploma in Business Administration and Management
2000 Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (Double degree program with the University of Manchester), LL. M, Law
1998 Vilnius University, Faculty of Law
Since 2008 UAB Vertas Management, Member of the Board
Since 2003 Motieka & Audzevičius Professional Law Partnership, Partner
2007–2014 AB Agrowill Group, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
1998–2002 Motieka Law Office, Attorney at Law
Training and career development:
2013 Speaker at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum;
Panelist in the Seventh Annual Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference in Washington
Publications 2013:
Dispute Resolution 2013 in Getting the Deal Through series, published by Law Business Research Ltd.;
The International Arbitration Review, 4th Edition, published by Law Business Research Ltd.;
Vertical Agreements 2013 in Getting the Deal Through series, publisher “Law Business Research” Ltd.;
The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Ligitation & Dispute Resolution 2013, published by Global Legal Group Ltd.;
Dispute Resolution Review 2013, 5th Edition, published by Law Business Research Ltd.;
Arbitration 2013 in Getting the Deal Through series, published by Law Business Research Ltd.;
The Concept of Legitimate Expectation in Investor-State Arbitration and the European Court of Human Rights, leidėjas “The Russian Bulletin of International Commercial Arbitration,” 2013.
Publications 2012:
Dispute Resolution Multi-jurisdictional Guide 2012/13.
The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Competition Litigation 2013.
Private Antitrust Litigation 2013 in Getting the Deal Through series.
Private Competition Enforcement Review.
GCR The European Antitrust Review 2013.
Dispute Resolution 2012 in Getting the Deal Through series.
The International Arbitration Review 2012
Arbitrability of disputes arising from public procurement contracts – Lithuanian example.
The Dispute Resolution Review 2012.
Vertical Agreements 2012 in Getting The Deal Through series.
Arbitration 2012 in Getting the Deal Through series.
The Inward Investment and International Taxation Review.
Tax Directors Handbook 2012.
Publications 2011:
The Private Competition Enforcement in Lithuania // The Private Competition Enforcement Review.
Private Antitrust Litigation 2012.
The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Competition Litigation 2012.
The International Comparative Legal Guide to: International Arbitration 2011.
Dispute Resolution 2011 in Getting the Deal Through series.
Litigation & Dispute Resolution in Lithuania // IFLR Litigation & Dispute Resolution Guide 2011.
Vertical Agreements 2011 in Getting the Deal Through series.
Arbitration 2011 in Getting the Deal Through series.
Lithuanian, English, Russian
Lithuanian Bar Association, International Bar Association
The Attorneys of “Motieka ir Audzevicius“ are Strengthening International Cooperation
The Lithuanian law firm “Motieka ir Audzevičius“, specializing in Dispute Resolution, Complex Transactions and Special Situations, has signed partnership agreements with the law firms “Hedman Osborne Clarke“ and “Skrastins & Dzenis“. The agreements signed cover cooperation in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Russia.
Newly Developed “Alita“ Tactics against an Unknown Adversary
The management team of the group of companies “Alita” (IGA), currently undergoing a rescue operation backed by “Swedbank“, is focused on both: building a successful sales strategy and coming up with the right tactics to compete against the Serbians and an unknown adversary, according to “Verslo Zinios”.
Experts of Arbitration Shares their Experience with Lithuanian Lawyers in Vilnius
On the 8th of March, Vilnius University, together with ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) YAF (Young Arbitrators Forum) held the first conference in the Baltic States “Public Order: the Latest Changes from the Regional Perspective”.
Multifront Battle of “Alita“
The festive season is an exceptionally busy time for the producers of alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, right now the management team of the group of companies “Alita” (IGA), undergoing a rescue operation backed by “Swedbank“, is faced with the need to not only develope a successful business strategy, but also come up with the tactics against the Serbs and an unknown adversary.
Newly Appointed “Agrowill Group” Board of Directors
As announced by the Vilnius Stock Exchange, the management board of “Agrowill Group” AB has appointed Gediminas Ziemelis as its new chairman while Mindaugas Juozaitis became the new CEO of the company.