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May 25, 2021

The costly pitfalls of poor data integrity

The costly pitfalls of poor data integrityBig data now stands at the core of how modern businesses can stay viable and operate successfully. But what if the integrity of that data is not as reliable as you think? The consequences of bad data to your company’s operations can prove to be nothing short of disastrous.

This can occur easily due to the limitations of the technology being used to gather, manage, and organise the quality of the data you rely on.

Data Quality refers to factors such as duplication, accuracy, consistency, reliability, completeness, and if the data is up to date. Systems which are badly interconnected or require continuous manual updating are susceptible to errors, in turn, these errors can propagate and lead to lost, duplicated, or distorted data making it unreliable for use in analytics, decision making, and the successful outcome of KPIs.

Bad data may also be the result of using data silos – data that is only accessible by a single team or department in an organisation. The main problems with data silos, compared to Entire Resource Planning (ERP) systems, is the lack of overall data visibility, inability to collaborate, inefficiency due to search times, duplication of information, under-utilised storage space, and decision making based on inaccurate, outdated, or faulty data.

As the amount of data modern companies consume increases exponentially, many are turning to business intelligence using cloud computing, SaaS, mobility, social collaboration, and enhanced analytics to ensure the quality of the data retained. The main attribute of good data quality used in operational systems and analytics is its accuracy.

To maintain the quality of data, companies are turning to business intelligence software – the tools used to make sense, and derive value from big data. The technology behind business intelligence is based on the use of data warehouses – a data management system specifically used to support business intelligence processes, most especially data analytics.

Sensus MRO is a business intelligence enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, designed specifically for the aviation MRO industry, and as such gathers and consolidates data from numerous sources to facilitate streamlined performance analysis tasks. As an AI solution, Sensus MRO gathers and builds the data streams necessary for business analysts, line managers, and other segments of an organisation charged with making valuable and informed decisions.

Sensus MRO embodies all of the most important attributes of a modern data quality solution provider. Unique to the MRO market and based on the best practices of LEAN operations, Sensus MRO transforms and optimises MRO operations to make processes more efficient in terms of resources and manpower across every department.